TSAS Juniors: Bigger Than Yourself

One of the best things about Tinkering School is: you get to build things bigger than yourself. For older folks, that "bigger" can be pretty metaphorical, but for our youngest, it's almost always literal--a work that is taller, wider, more voluminous, more massive than its creators.

We don't have a good enough writer on staff to get across how stoked our youngest kids (tallest is Owen, 48") were to build a little house, right here in our shop. They've been savoring the project, adding a hinged door, nice handles, furniture and a roof.

Sometimes the joy of having built something SO BIG! just overwhelms the crew. They simply must stop building for a minute, and just go revel in (literally, inside of) what they've built. The kids are super-focused and working very hard, but when you've built a giant house, well, you have to take a minute to drink that in.

Next week is our last week, when the crew will disassemble the house, sweep up, and put the wood back in the bins--for the next kids.