Notes from an Island (Shipwrecked) WEEK 9, Day 4

Day 4: Hard Work

To whoever finds this:

I did it. Yesterday, I tried harder than usual. I finished my boat.

I am now ready to leave my island. I will sail back home to San Francisco. I will no longer be shipwrecked. 

Here's the thing: even though I tried so hard yesterday, and succeeded at building my boat, I need to try even harder today. I need to sail through rough seas, under storms, over sharks, and between waves twice my height.

There will always be hard work- challenges, struggle, frustration. That will never change. But what you CAN change, dear reader, is your attitude towards work. You can learn to love your work, to see that work can be challenging, frustrating, tiring, AND fun, all at the same time.

Whatever your job is, dear reader, whatever you do today, take a moment to enjoy the sensations of work- the churning of your brain, the strain of your muscles, a high-five with your teammates. Work hard today, and enjoy it.

P.S. This will be my last letter. I am setting sail today. With hard work, I just might arrive in San Francisco on the afternoon of Friday, August 14.


aosdkfjasdfoiasdfj *

*Signature illegible


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