Under the Sea @ Mark Day School!

Today was the launch of Tinkering School's first week at Mark Day School in San Rafael! For both students and staff, it was quite the experience. This is our first time launching a summer day camp that's primarily outdoors, with a mobile shop that can be tucked and untucked at the start and close of each day, and in a space where we aren't reliant on many of the things we come to depend on at our main day camp location in San Francisco -- there are no rafters from which to suspend projects, no endless supply chain of weird and unusual materials, and no walls. 

What a day!

And with that, we dove into Monday the same as we usually do -- with making group agreements, doing tool training, and getting to know the space and each other!

All of the Tinkerers got to learn to use and practice using the chopsaws, drills, and clamps. This was a morning of trying scary and dangerous things, and also using muscles we aren't necessarily used to using all the time. 

After tool practice and play and lunch, we got to learn what the group is building together this week.

Imagine that the parking lot is not a parking lot!
Imagine that those are not trees!
And these are not bushes!
That light post and that portable is something else entirely. This week, we are UNDER THE SEA!

To make this space look more like the ocean, we are building a giant octopus and a submarine to explore the space. The group split into two team, and got to work designing, making a plan, and cutting pieces. 

With such a short afternoon build session, we got lots done, and had many opportunities to collaborate with one another on the projects -- both in the hard work and also the brain power. We ended the day sitting in the warm sun and sharing some stories.

Tomorrow, we see how much more we can build!