Tool Training: Uniform Language on Safety Concepts

BLOOD BUBBLE: Intentionally-macabre name for the three-dimensional space around every tool where, if a body part should wander in, there is a greater probability of injury. Notable blood bubbles include:

Full-arm radius around anyone using a knife or hand saw.

The area forward of a spinning drill bit.

The manufacturer-marked areas on the chop saw.

TWO-HANDED TOOL: Useful phrase for reminding kids that every tool should require the use of both hands. For some big or heavy tools (like the circular saw or portable metal bandsaw), this is out of sheer necessity. For smaller tools that could, technically, be operated with just one hand (like the pull saw or a hammer), encourage kids to use the tool-less hand to hold the work firmly in place, or grab on to a stable surface. Unoccupied hands tend to float around, and are more likely to unconsciously drift into the Blood Bubble). Every tool is a two-handed tool.

VICTORY DRILLING: The not-allowed but seemingly-inevitable tendency of first-time tinkerers to hold a drill aloft and squeeze the trigger, just-for-funzies. Victory drilling is, undeniably, fun but is verboten here at Tinkering School--the risk of someone's hair or clothes or eyeball getting twisted around a drill bit does not justify the tiny dose of joy to be had from squeezing a trigger. Drills are power tools; power tools are serious--drills may be used for making holes and driving screws. Period.