First Day of Heavy Lifting

This week we want to create machines that make it fun(and easy) to lift, move and lower heavy things. But first we have to learn what tools we have and how to use them:

This group intently follows Nathan's drilling show.

Luca and Charles practice pre-drilling and driving screws.

Marissa throws all her weight into screw driving!

Kiera and Olivia join together and figure out how to join beams at right angles to make frames!

After everyone gets a good grasp of how to safely handle the chop saw and drills we head to park for a brain break!

Everyone enjoys a game of Everyone enjoys a game of "Sleepy Cat" and we get to see some great sportsmanship as our Tinkerers include kids from other camps when they want to play too.

After lunch the Heavy Lifting theme is revealed and Tinkerers split into project design groups!

The The "Smash-O-tine" group draws up and discusses how to build a machine to epically smash things on Friday!

The The "GrabberMachine" group comes up with several options for their giant claw machine, then splits into the Claw and Crane groups to get to work!  

As ideas solidify into design plans the tinkerers get to work! There is some material experimentation to find out the best way to build some projects. Several groups got right to work cutting and assembling the basic structures of their machines.

Zia, Lucy, Maddie, and Emilia assemble a tower support for The Grabber.

Kiera, Jude, and Luca make a frame for The Smash-O-tine.

Bryce and Jasper along with their team assemble a Smash-O-tine support.

Greta, Marissa, Adria and Pieke experiment with craft wire to make frames for heavy lifting props.

Chain making is invented!  

At the signal that the day is over we heard a lot of groans, which is music to our ears. Then as good Tinkerers do we got to work cleaning up the shop so our space is ready to get right to work in the morning. In closing circle we shared stories of kids being awesome to each other - there was an overall report of positivity, good communication and team work!

Aayan and Roland sort screws into the correct sized containers. Thanks guys!!

Sean Murray