This Thursday, the crew jumped back into the flow of things, moving Mr. Potato Head's features along. Last week, a smaller group finished securing and stabilizing Mr. Potato Head's actual head, and panelling it with a face... while another group got pretty far on the big rectangular nose. In addition, the mouth and the eyes needed a rebuilding. So, needless to say, the group had to decide where to focus their attention today. 


We decided that we'd split, once more, into two groups. One team decided to finish up the nose, while the rest of us began work on a brand new set of eyes. The design meeting for the eyes went fairly quickly because the tinkerers had already made the first set of eyes a couple weeks ago. So we traced some eyes and got to work on the band-saw.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the shop, the nose team finished the nosey rectangle. 

Then they decided that their next step should be to panel it with plywood, so as soon as the eye-group was finished with the band-saw, they headed over. 

And while they were on the band saw, the eye group worked away on a tool we haven't used in a little while, the DRILL PRESS. The crew decided that it would be aesthetically beneficial to drill pupils into our plywood eyes. 

The day ended with some pretty awesome results! The nose group, having cut their green-nose-panels, began to screw them in... 

...and the eye group finished both eyes and colored them!!! They aren't quite attached, but we're getting there. Seeing the body parts on Mr. Potato's enormous head was quite the gratifying sight!!