The Many Team Members of Journey to the Center of the Earth

There was a buzz of concern this morning during our morning design and planning meetings. It's Thursday. And because it's Thursday, that means today is our last full day of building. This is the last day this week where we get 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon to come together and make some progress on all these great projects that will take us to the Center of the Earth.

We've come so far, but have so much left to do. 

And there was much concern about our lack of time.

The general consensus among the Tinkerers this morning was that it doesn't seem like we're going to make it to the Center of the Earth. The cave was just some disconnected walls. The vehicle was a lot of boxes and a lot of plans. The earth's core was a short half dome sitting on the floor.

"How are we going to finish all of this by tomorrow?!" Someone blurted out at the beginning of the morning session. The reply was iconic Tinkering School. 

"The great news," Rachel said, "is that we have so many people here! There are so many people on our team, that I think we can make it work."

With that, there was some amazing teamwork all day today. There was jigsaw action, and band saw cuts. Structures came together by the end of the day, and we have some semblance of Earth-Cave-Vehicle structures. The theoretical designing and conceptual problem solving is pretty much out of the way, and building became a little easier today once we could actually see the structures we've been talking about all week. 

Like each day this week, we left the closing circle in a great place, but with much left to do tomorrow. 

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