TSO - H - Day 4 - Beach Please

Today is beach day! We get a welcome break from the project, and head off to Redondo Beach where we unload the cars and walk down to the beach for a relaxing day.

Sand everywhere!

Sand everywhere!

The water is just a bit cold...

Max decides to get buried.

Where's Max?

Where's Max?

Izzy gets in on the action.

Izzy gets in on the action.

Hunter joins in too.

Hunter joins in too.

We move to jumping off ledges.

Ryker V. does a flip.

Ryker V. does a flip.

Some run away from the waves.

Some invite them...

Patrick hops right in.

Patrick hops right in.

Alice bounds right into the deep blue.

Alice bounds right into the deep blue.

We head over to the tide pools and find some critters.

Sofia finds a snail.

Sofia finds a snail.

Brace yourselves!

Brace yourselves!

We build some sand structures.

We build some sand structures.

Portrait of a Collaborator - Max, complete with a sand stache, jams on the mandolin.

Portrait of a Collaborator - Max, complete with a sand stache, jams on the mandolin.

Covered in sand, we leave the beach tired and ready for showers. Tonight we will watch a movie eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate, and tomorrow we will get back to work on our carts and begin testing.