TSO-B - Day 6 - We Did It!

After working through the morning and afternoon, it was finally time to put our mechanisms to the test and infiltrate the Bank Tower to capture the Big Beloved Jewel. We huddled as a band of spies and plotted our break-in...

Olivia pretended that the Jewel-Grabber tool was a beautiful hat to evade the Bank Security and wandered into the Outhouse... 

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Kanden and Ahaan used a winch to crank down the drawbridge leading to the Bank Tower...

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Meanwhile, Charlie and Anabella distracted Inspector Lyle so he wouldn't notice the action upstairs... 

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The burglars skittered across the drawbridge...

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Olivia held the pulley steady while Ronin hopped onto the seat...

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Ronin peered over the laser security...

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...and after many attempts at grabbing the jewel... 

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...he finally secured it...

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...and dropped it safely into a zipline bucket, which soared over the forest and into the hands of Solani...

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...who ran it to our getaway car drivers...

...and they sped away!

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Bank Security was displeased with our successful performance. 

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An epic day, ending an epic week.