Jungle Adventure Obstacle Course - Day 5 - Week 3 (Mark Day School)

The last day of the week at Tinkering School is a huge day. Although one of our goals is not “finishing the project,” we all feel that anxious excitement about having build something bigger than ourselves and getting to show it off to friends and family. This morning, we worked for nearly two hours straight to move the rock climbing wall into place and affix it to the entrance mountain, connect and brace the 14’ slide (the angle was steep so we added railings as well as a rope to hold onto and we tested it before everyone slid down), attach all of the pool noodles to the cave ceiling, put the trap in place, rig the pulley system to raise and lower the chair, and add a railing (unfinished but the idea was good) and cone to the volcano top.

If it seemed like we packed two days into one, that’s the thrill of Friday. Some of the more common tasks like drilling pilot holes, driving screws, measuring and cutting wood, and clamping things together take a little less focus and brainpower which means we can devote those to the final design elements.

Click through the gallery below (this is a BIG one) for many more photos from today’s project reveal. And to see the week in its entirety, visit our Flickr page.