A Space Adventure - Day 1 - Week 3 (Mark Day School)


Space Adventure Week has successfully launched! A full crew of tinkerers and their collaborators had a great launch day today. The schedule was packed from morning clap all the way through tool training and lunch. We started the day with a clap to bring us together. After our “favorite tool” warm up, and going over the goals for the week, Anna and Jayson led the team in the process of developing our group agreements — things like use a tool as a tool, the platinum rule and always walk when around the build area.

Tool training is an intensive period where we teach the essential skills needed to use our three main tools: the drill, the chop saw and the clamp. Everyone rotates through the three trainings, and by the time we’re done, everyone is tired and ready for some food and rest time at the park.


After we returned from lunch, a message was waiting for us — it was a transmission from our collaborators in space!


Our mission became clear: we needed to design and build a space shelter we can send to the new planet, AND we need a spaceship to get it there! The afternoon was spent deep in a design cycle, coming up with ideas, sharing those ideas with each other, then choosing the best mix of ideas, filtered through the lens of our available materials (wood, screws, plywood, wheels and misc). We even got a little early building done! Tomorrow will be a full day of building, iterating, testing and innovating as we find unsolved problems.


For even more photos from our week together, visit our Google Photos album by clicking here.