The Search for Sea Monsters - Day 2 - Week 4 (Mark Day School)

A full crew of trained and ready tinkerers greeted us this morning ready to realize their collective vision, so after a comical skit on how not to carry wood, and a discussion of our goals for the week, we got right down to work.

For some, starting is the hardest part. For others, pushing through and continuing to stay involved is more difficult, so by the time we were back from lunch and ready to work again, we had plenty to talk about on the subject of trying harder than usual and how exactly to get involved if you don’t know what to do. Ideas were shared and encouragement was given, and our afternoon build session was so productive!

During our closing circle, many students wanted to share specific examples of how they collaborated and made friends, made a mistake they learned from, tried harder than usual or made something bigger than themselves. It was a wonderful few minutes reflecting on the day together.